Actually, its as if he never really left, he's constantly texting me every now and then since the day he left. i think a minimum of 5 texts a day, yeah! and sometimes he'll go online pa for a while just to chat with me..:) one time he even got mad at me coz i wasnt able to go online, reasonable nmn ung reason ko ea, and because i told him before that i will go online.. he said na..
"what for pa daw ung pag stay niya ng late (3hours advance kxe dun.. 7pm dito niya ako pinapagol) and pagpilit nya umuwe ng maaga kung hindi niya rin daw ako makakausap.."awwww... i was really touched. really really touched....:) Soo.. un nga.. its as if he never really left, he'll text me and he'll tell stories about his day, or what his doing and all.. its really kyut and sweet.. coz you know, even though his so far away.. he still do looks after me..!! sbi q nga..
"strict and boyfriend ko ea!!:)"super strict! (the tides thing issue! haha benta tlga un!!) and one thing, everyday his gone,, he never failed to say 2 phrases that meant a lot in his every text.. that's
"i love you.." and "i miss you.."2 phrases ill never get tired of. he never fails to text me before he goes to bed or rest.. wala lang, its unusual that he does this things.. his not usually this sweet and im thankful he is now. im soo lucky to be loved by this guy. im lucky it was him.. and im lucky to be with him.. yeah! im a lucky girlfriend!!:) haha.. oh!
he was even suppose to surprise me this april 10..but he found out ill be spending holy week in our province. He said kxe na april 19 pa daw uwe niya.. un pla 10 na..:) though, he wasn't or woudn't be able to surprise me.. its the thought that counts!! oh,
"he even said that im the first person he wants to see when he gets back!!"awww..:( see!! see!! how cheesy my boyfriend gets when he misses me!!:) I JUST LOVE IT!!:) but the sad part is,, around 7:44pm today.. he texted..
"Baby, last txt q na to till i get home s phil, i love you so much and i mss u, cnt w8 to c u na po. :c i wsh i cn hug u ryt n0w. :c"waaa... nasad ako..:( kxe nmn.. ITS OUR MONTHSARY TOMORROW KAYA!! 11th monthsary to be exact..:) 11th!! wow!! 11th and really really really happy!! (except the fact na his in australia syempre!!) kanina nga.. i cried..:( i dont know why..:( but i did..:( cguro.. the fact na.. this time,, ill really feel na wala xa dito. no text ea..:( tapos monthsary pa..:( grabe nmn..:( hai.. tapos uuwe na rin ako province tom nyt... so wala na rin chat..:( oh well.. bsta first thing on my to do list when i get back!! that's
1. TO BE WITH HIM!definitely!!! i really miss him more than anything.. its like the first time i felt this eager to be with someone.. i miss his hugs,, i miss his kakulitan.. i miss the way he puts his arms around me.. i miss the way he smells.. i miss the way his smell stays on my shirt when we part ways.. and i just really miss everything about him... i miss him..:( can't weyt to see him..:( and feel forever in his arms again..:( (cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzyyy!! i knoooooooooowww!! pagbigyan niyo na ako..:D)
in exactly 9 minutes from my watch!! its our 11th monthsary! ayan! 8 nlng!!
Happy 11th monthsary BOYFRIEND koo!! i love you so much!! and i really miss you naa!!!:( uwe knaaa!! HURRY BACK TO ME!!!:)
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