If i have two hearts, i will use the first one to love you,
and the other one to love you more.♥
it's been a while since iv'e posted a happy blog. So let this be one of them.:)
Today, i got a surprise visit from him. Actually, i kinda expected it even yesterday, for he kept asking me where was i, and that what time will i be home. Nonetheless, expecting and him actually coming over is different.
I was printing my chem papers, when the doorbell sounded. No one was answering, so i called ate and told her that "Ate, may taooooo.." After so, the doorbell rang again, I went to check from the terrace who it was. Actually, when the doorbell rang i really had that gut feeling that it was him, but then i kept on thinking that who'd be coming over here at this time. When i looked out from the terrace, i saw his car, and then saw him. I was suppose to call him, but then i ran back inside and acted as if i saw nothing! haha! so when he went up, i smiled and said.. "what are you doing here?..:D" yes! ganyan ka laki ung smile ko..:D haha.. He said, wala lang daw, he came from cavite and delivered some products and just thought of dropping by.
I love surprises. I really do. And this one, this is one of the things that make me love him more. Even though i expected that he was coming over, seeing him actually out there outside my house was something i never expected.:) gulo? haha!! to make it short. I LOVED THE FACT THAT HE CAME. Unplanned. Unexpected. Unforgettable. alamo ung super happy?.. ako un.:) i dont know why, but iv'e never felt this happy for a while now. It's that feeling that even after he left, i got this happy feeling that i can't take off of me. Basta yun na un! Ohh, i remember this feeling, it's like the feeling i felt way back before, when he used to surprise me when he came. I never thought i'd still feel this way again. In short, kinikilig ako! haha.. bakit ba?! haha.. Goodnight everybody!:) ay Goodmorning!:)

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