This was supposed to be posted last Saturday night but then i got lazy.. so here goes..:)
My boyfriend and I have been planning to go on a movie marathon date after his thesis defense. His thesis defense was scheduled last Wednesday, but then, it got cancelled. So somehow i ggot sad because our movie marathon date would be moved again. Fyi, i have been like a bum lately, my classes are only on Mondays and Wednesdays, so i got so much time on my hands. Friday, June 18, i was chatting with him on yahoo. I realized that i have nothing to do for the weekends, so ill just be stuck up watching dvds, surfing the net, reading the book or sleeping it off. Knowing that he's still doing thesis and that maybe he was busy, i pulled my mind away from our planned movie dates. But that night, i got the guts for the first time as i remember, to ask him out.
"Me: may ggwn ka tomorow?.. :) watch tyo movieeee!!! hahaha :D
Him: sge sge :)
Him: karate kid :) ?
Me: YES! haha.. un din nasa isip koo..:)"
So there!! he said yes..:) haha.. So there, i dont know how, but he really got excited with our date.. He even posted on my wall at facebook. And even after we talked and made our kulitans in ym and got that little argument of who logouts first on yahoo, he texted me his goodnight and iloveyous..:) and i slept that night with a smile on my face.:)
The next day our date day, he texted me goodmorning and reminded me on what time i should leave the house. We met up at around 11:30am at ATC. When we got there, the lines to the ticket booth where really long because of toy story 3. At 11:30am, the 12:45 time slot for toy story 3 was already sold out!! I was sooo glad we we're gonna watch Karate Kid! haha.. We bought our favorite popcorn: WHITE CHEDDAR flavor and watched the movie. The movie was great, funny and sooo cute..:) After the movie, we thought of watching A-team but the lines were still loong so we decided to go home. The car ride was fun even though its a just a short trip from ATC to my house. We kept on laughing and made kulitan. We ordered Mcdo, one of our other date food, and watched the Disney movie marathon at Disney channel namely: Toy story 2, Wall-e, and Ratatouille. Then we slept into each others arms.
Today, he passed his thesis defense and i was like hell yeah!!:) haha.. But then, he still has to finish his revisions by next week. That's fine with me! as long as i know that his almost done, i can have him all to myself.:)
These past few weeks reminded me of the week of our first date. I remembered the time when i told him that my cheeks were hurting because of him. It was because i couldn't help smiling. I was soo happy that he came into my life. And this week, it reminded me of that moment when i find myself smiling of the thought that i have someone like him who loves me. It's a feeling i would like to remember over, and over again. Sometimes i call our love a Bipolar love because there are times that he makes me feel like his caring less, and even the feeling of he doesn't care anymore, but then its times like this when he reminds me of how much he loves me. When he makes up for the unwanted feelings i felt, he makes up for it big time. And i just love the way how he does that. He erases every memory of my doubts and fears and replaces it with memories i would like to keep forever. Our relationship might not be perfect, its like a roller coaster ride in 4D, but its everything i hoped it would be.:) haha..

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