Too much cheesyness... Too much Love.. Too much of kesooo.. but i like it soo much!:) It's been obvious lately that my boyfriend has been over cheezy, don't get me wrong but i like this version of him. I just realy hope it wont just fade away that quickly. Starting today, his going to be over busy because his going to start his revisions for thesis. That's fine with me, of course I understand that, he promised me that after that we'll be spending time together. He also said that his mom has been telling him to start working as soon as his finish with his thesis, and he told me that we'll be spending some time muna before he starts working. And he even promised me that he'll visit me when he has time.
I like this kind of moments when he tells me rather shows me that no matter how busy he will be, he'll think of me. And this shows that he really cares. Its the assurance of love. That things may change, we both might get busy but it's telling each other that we really want to be with each other besides that. I watched Hachiko last friday, and there was a scene when the father was asking the guy if he loves her daughter, and of course he said yes and the father told the son that, "Remember that, you love her, that's what you're going to think of during bad times." Truly, sometimes its all about choosing to say for the one you love.
I had made the picture on date week my profile pic for my facebook and yahoo but then my boyfriend got jealous and told me he wants one too. So i made him one.:) It's a good feeling when you're constantly reminded that you're loved and being miss. And i'm actually feeling that right now. All thanks to him, He makes me happy like no other person can..:)
And if it's love overload, i'd still want it that way every once in a while..:)

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